3PO Live Translated Meeting
Set up Instructions
bootstrap website templates
Choose your own language (e.g English) and foreign language (e.g. Japanese) on your 3PO main screen.
Ask your friend to set up languages on his/her phone in 3PO as well (e.g. Japanese as my language and English as foreign language).
On your phone, tap "Multi-Device Mode" to create a new meeting.
Tap "Yes" to send the generated meeting link to your friend
text your friend the 5-character meeting ID
On your friend's phone, tap "Multi-Device Mode" and "Join Existing Meeting" using the 5-character meeting ID above.
Both of you can now speak in your own language to communicate over the internet with live translation activated.
The meeting will end when both participants have pressed the "Stop Session" button on their 3PO screen.
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