bootstrap website templates
  • Choose your own language (e.g English) and foreign language (e.g. Japanese) on your 3PO main screen.
  • Ask your friend to set up languages on his/her phone in 3PO as well (e.g. Japanese as my language and English as foreign language).
  • On your phone, tap "Multi-Device Mode" to create a new meeting.
  • Tap "Yes" to send the generated meeting link to your friend or text your friend the 5-character meeting ID
  • On your friend's phone, tap "Multi-Device Mode" and "Join Existing Meeting" using the 5-character meeting ID above.
  • Both of you can now speak in your own language to communicate over the internet with live translation activated.
  • The meeting will end when both participants have pressed the "Stop Session" button on their 3PO screen.

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